During the first day of Rosh Hashana we went to shul. We agreed that during Mussaf I would go home if I couldn't take it anymore. During mussaf I felt okay so we agreed that we would stay. At the end of dawening my back started to hurt but I thought it was because of all the standing so I decided to sit down and stay seated. After shul we went home and had lunch, the pain wasn't going away. Because my back was hurting so much, we decided to put a hot water bottle against my back to easen the pain. That didn't help and after an hour of sleep I woke up again and continued saying tehilim. Last year I tried saying the whole tehilim over the course of 2 days and now I wanted to see if I could do it in 1. Around 6.15 pm I finished, I was so proud of myself. My mom offered to help and we walked to her place just to tell her that I finsihed. I told her that my back was hurting and that it wouldn't go away. Around 7.15 pm we decided to walk back and go up the 76 steps to our apt. Around 8 pm my tummy started to hurt too and I thought that this might be the start for the delivery. Daniel went to shul around 8.30 and I started to get stuff ready for dinner. After he came back from shul we had dinner, it was kinda of short bc the pain in my back was so much. I decided to step under the shower to relieve my body from the pain. Around 9.30 pm I stepped under and around 10.00 pm we called the hospital bc the pain was so bad. They told me to keep it up for another 30 minutes and then call back. After 5 minutes Daniel called back, I couldn't take it anymore. We were allowed to come and around 10.45 pm we were in the hospital. After the put us on the ctg they checked how far we were, I had 9.5 cm. The ctg was okay but around 11.30 pm it showed that the little one was having a lot of stress. They decided to do a c-section instead. The whole staff was paiged/peeped and I was on the OR within 10 minutes. They gave me an epidural (it is hard to sit still when you have contraction) and around 00.11 on September 20th Elishewa Miriam Lea was born.
She didn't have enough oxygen and had a rough start.
Daniel in surgery cloth Time Elishewa was born
Above our new doc and